Wednesday, June 16, 2010

I love my morning tea. Anyone who reads this blog knows that I love my morning tea--the stinky one.

What I don't love it when I spill the tea leaves. The basket that holds the tea leaves must come out of the pot. Sometimes it comes out part way through the drinking and sometimes not until I have finished the whole pot. Either way it comes out and sits on the edge of the hotpad or balances on top of the tea pot. Yesterday I sat it on the edge of the hotpad and this morning I knocked it over onto the floor. What a mess! This isn't the first time I have done this and will not be the last but I kick myself every single time. The issue at the new apartment is where it lands...on a wool carpet....a very light grey wool carpet. I'm would never buy myself a light grey wool carpet for my living room...I know what a klutz I am. The question is who buys a light grey wool carpet for a rental unit?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I can only imagine how messy the tea leaves were on that carpet!
