Tuesday, July 20, 2010

It's Tuesday evening. I'm sitting admist all my stuff. I have boxes and furniture all around me in a semi-circle of sorts. I am almost 100% ready. If I needed to be ready today I would have been...but I didn't need to be so I wasn't. I have one more day of preparation...that I really don't need so it will be a very, very long day.

I am in desperate need of Thursday's arrival. I'm ready to clean the apartment and get to the hotel for my first night on the road. Come Thursday I may be wishing it was Tuesday again but for the moment I need Thursday. I'm ready to leave. Mentally, physically. I'm ready. I've been pouring over my atlas and using google maps planning my days. The route is easy. Take the Trans-Canada Highway. Simple. It is the how many hours a day can I sit behind the wheel each day that I am working on. I checked my travel schedule from the trip West 2 years ago and that has helped, but it doesn't seem to coming together in Ontario the way I want it to. Most of the trip will be done on the fly as far as how long am I driving and where I will stay at night but I'm a planner and like to think it out ahead of time.

I'm looking at 6 days on the road.
Day 1--Edmonton to Regina, Saskatchewan
Day 2--Regina to Kenora, Ontario
Day 3--Kenora to Thunder Bay, Ontario
Day 4--Thunder Bay to ??
Day 5--MORE OF ONTARIO (Really, we don't need Quebec to seperate we need Ontario to lose a few hundred kilometres cause the drive is LONG)
Day 6--Quebec to PEI! Yeah!!

Day 3,4,5 will be very long and dreary.

I have packed some great snacks for on the road. Sweet, salty, chocolatey, and crunchy/munchy. Some of it is even healthy. I have a few of my favorite music cd's on back up for when I can't get CBC radio on the dial. Another recent purchase was a book on cd. It is 22 hours long. I think it cost $6.99 so it was well worth the money. I enjoyed a couple of books on cd during my last trip and if the story line to this one is good I'm sure I will enjoy it too. I recall that in Northern Ontario there is limited cell reception and limited radio stations...and there was way to many stretches of my trying to entertain myself. The book on cd will be a blessing.

There are 4 new to me books waiting in my dresser that I am refusing to crack open until I'm actually on the road. I like to have a book with me in restaurants--helps slow down eating and it gives me something to do other than look at the other customers. I had 5 books but took one with me to PEI, unfortunately I had finished all by 20 pages by the time I reached Charlottetown and had to find a different book for the return flight. I'm a good reader. ;)

The camera is charged and ready. Chicken and Tramp are ready to go. Who's Tramp? He's my new chicken. From Disney's Lady and the Tramp. Chicken will retire when we reach PEI and Tramp will take over full time on the first trip after that. He even has a tiny back pack for travelling. Cute. (Sad, I know...a 36 year old girl travelling with a couple of stuffed animals.)

Come on Thursday...


Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer,

I can't imagine you taking the time to write the blog; however, it is an outlet so you're not too overwhelmed with all the packing and trip planning. Good to take a break as you sound like you are pretty much ready to hit the road and putting in time until Thursday. I certainly hope the travel goes well, make sure the tank is full!! With your days all planned out you are certainly organized and have done your research for the road.

I've never done the book CD's, but have heard they are great for the road, hope you enjoy the one you purchased. Also hope the snacks last!! I've not travelled far on my own, but when I went a few years ago to south shore NS I had more snacks (unhealthy) than I needed; however, because they were there, I ate them all long before I got there!!

Looking forward to touching base with you when you arrive and have some down time with the folks/family. Pop in for tea/coffee or whatever, Edith and I would love to say a quick hello and when you get more settled in, we can do lunch again.

Safe travels to you, Chicken and Tramp!

Lori B.

Jack said...

Good luck, and drive carefully!

Anonymous said...


Ronstade has a show called "On the Road Again" and that is the theme song. I sing it to you as you are about to hit the "road again".

Personally, I like long drives and don't mind them by myself. I have driven from PEI to Ottawa and return on my own with lots of CDs to sing me there and back. I especially remember a trip after a crazy week of work and couldn't wait to get away from the phone and people to mellow, chill and re-energize.

I've never thought of the CD book idea but I do like it. Some day when I retire (after next year) I plan to drive across Canada. Guess I'll check with you first for the best routes and stops. I won't be tenting along the way though.

Your travel companions would be very suitable for the long trip. They'll never say "how much further Jennifer?" They will never get hungry before it is time to stop. It will never be past their bedtime. And you can talk to them as long as you want and they will never get tired of your conversation.

So happy trails! I know you will drive safely and I know you won't push your limits.

When you get settled on PEI and want a chance to catch up just give a call.

I'm off on holidays from July 26 to August 9.


Just me said...

I'm not camping. It was tempting but I know I'll be super tired at the end of each night so I will collapse on a hotel bed instead of setting up camp. Driving with the trailer on behind the truck is hard work...takes more control when drivinng (or so I found last time) so I need a really good sleep each night.