Sunday, October 11, 2009

Happy Turkey Day!

My family is gathering at the 'farm' today to enjoy stuffed bird, taters, home grown veggies and pie. I'm having a similar meal here in Edmonton....without the homegrown part. I'm thankful for family, friends and fowl today. And chicken is happy I choose to cook a turkey instead of a distant cousin.

In the midst of deciding to cook myself a nice sized turkey I decided to re-arrange all my furniture. This morning my kitchen is hidden under boxes and bags of 'stuff' from the living room. I am siting in a living room with furniture in disarray and can't decide what to do next. It is 10:30, so I think it is ok to drag furniture across the head of my downstairs neighbour and try to figure out new placement. There is one wall that would be perfect for placement but it doesn't have an electrical outlet so it useless for the two possible pieces of furniture. Hmmmm.

Enjoy your turkey dinners and your October rituals. I am enjoying mine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You are the only person I know who would work up a Thanksgivning appetite by re-arranging furnitre first.
