Monday, August 31, 2009

One last final plea for votes....I know, I know I said that last time. But I swear this time it is true. The contest closes on September I need your votes TODAY!


Don't forget you need to click on the link in the email MEC sends you or the vote doesn't count. Please pass along to all yours friends, relatives and co-workers. I'm about 50 votes shy of getting into the top 5. Apparently I only have 59 friends. I have 64 votes, but three of those are me, one is my parents and one is my friend Kim.

If you vote for me I'll write a super duper blog post about my weekend in Drumheller and why I want to move there.


Anonymous said...


I did successfully submit my vote. At that time you were way ahead so the others must have found some voters in the mean time.

Good luck and I can't wait to hear why you want to live in Drumheller!


Unknown said...

I voted, I also put a plea on my FB page. Good luck. Drumheller :: hot, dry, dusty, bones, tourists, rattlesnakes, cactus, southern alberta meat packing plces, ewwwww

Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer,

I voted and got the necessary email and all was successful. I emailed co-workers to ask for a vote for an Islander as well. So what, or who, is in Drumheller? Maybe that's another good camping spot, I googled to find out where it was, not far from Calgary. Whatever takes you there I hope you enjoy it.

Lori B.