Friday, December 3, 2010

I passed!

In January of this year I decided to finally bite the bullet and get my HR designation. I decided if I was going to stay in HR that I should. I postponsed writing it in May--the whole leaving job, moving, etc was too much and I felt bad cause I hadn't studied. 5 months later I still hadn't studied and on the day before I wrote the exam I joined two good friends for dinner and a show--Hairspray! Perhaps I should have stayed home to study but... Saturday morning arrived to torrential rains and I spent two hours writing my exam. Sigh.

And I passed. I can't believe it. WHOOO HOOO!!! I had planned to write them one after another and have them done within a year but that plan will not work. The next exam is May 7 and I hope to still be on the road returning from India. October it will need to be.

I'm off to Moncton this afternoon. YEAH! Quick shopping trip with a friend.


Jack said...

Congrats on passing!! Have fun in Moncton, and have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...


I had forgotten about the H.R. exams and I didn't know you were writing them this Fall. A big contratulations to you!!!!! It is disappointing that you don't write part 2 until October 2011 but you can't do it all and India is very important to you.

I know you will have fun shopping in Moncton. Not too far to travel and a change of scenery and stores is always refreshing.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer,

Congratulations!!! Well deserved and I'm sure you will fly through part 2 next fall.

Hope you enjoy Moncton, we were over last weekend, over Sunday and home Monday. I'm not a fan of the stores on Saturday or Sunday, too busy for hubby! Plus our son is off on Sunday so we get to spend the day with him which is the main reason for going. Hope the shopping is successful!

Lori B.