Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It's Hump Day! YEAH!! This week can not be over soon enough.

There is so much going on in my mind right now--each thought overlaps the next one. I want someone to create a pill that I can use to just turn off my thoughts and then turn them back on again when needed. Wouldn't that be nice?

Indigo, thanks for researching the flower. I will be interested to see if your friend can identify it.

Lori, here are some stats on the egg:


· Egg Width: 25.7 feet

· Egg Height: 18.3 feet

· Total Height: 31.6 feet

· Material: Alumuinum skin

· Turns like a weathervane

· Weight: 5,000 pounds

· Star Patterns: 524

· Triangular Pieces: 2,206

· Visible Facets: 3,512

· Nuts and Bolts: 6,978

· Internal Struts: 177

· Man Hours: 12,000
That's one big egg.
Edith, your cleaning spree made me tired just reading about it. Phew.
Not much news to report on my end. Just trying to keep it together. One of the ladies at work pointed out yesterday that this is likely an emotional time for me...filling my own position. I hadn't really thought about that part before. In fact I wasn't thinking that part was going to be hard. Moving on from a position that I love will be hard. But I want to find someone awesome to fill my shoes. Heck, I want to find someone with bigger shoes who can just take what I have done and improve, increase and take it to the next level. Maybe though at the back of my head--in that part that is always on thinking but never lets you know what it is thinking about--maybe that is weighing on my mind.
I'm finding it hard to concentrate. I have a couple of things I need to finish right now at work before I wrap things up. I'm hoping to get all the filing up to date before I leave and to have some notes or at least a few key post-its ready for the next person. I need to concentrate on studying but am finding it difficult. I think there is too much going on right now in my head and my life to be able to give it my all. I'm done work in 30 days. I don't have a job lined up yet. I have this exam to write. I need to study. I need to focus on finding a new job. I need to look at getting a few things finished at work. Augh. Deep breath.
I'm fine. It's just been an emotional week. Bi*chy Payroll Lady is gone. I walked her out the door yesterday. Yes, I am glad that her negativity is out of the office. I know the mood of staff certainly improved yesterday once they got over the shock. I just hate doing this kind of thing. She isn't going to have an easy time of it. I know that. But just because she isn't going to have an easy time out there in the big scary world of looking for a new job doesn't mean I should change or alter my decision. Imagine if we didn't let people go everytime they were going to have a hard time/or were going through a hard time. We'd need to hire double the staff in every office just to get the work done.  I guess this just means I still have a soul and a heart. That's good to know.
Check back in a day or two. I'm sure my mood will have improved. Perhaps I just need some perspective on things. And I guess it confirms that I should have escaped for the weekend after all. Oh well, I'm only 30 days from a long vacation break.


Anonymous said...

Oh it finally happened yesterday. Now it will be clean and fresh for new guy. I hope he remembers to thank you!

They don't let us help fill jobs at our work....they say we are too biased. Keep an open mind. You won't be there so they do not have to fit your ideal. Don't lose sleep over filling this one.

I am so happy for you....things really are looking up.

Happy hump day.

J of the Isle.

Anonymous said...


Consider your worst task is over - she is gone. When you are moving on from a job they say your "head goes first" and your body follows when your time is up. I suspect that is what is happening with you. It is hard to concentrate on a job you are leaving as you want to put your energy into your studying and new job hunting. (Make sure that lady that just left didn't get hired ahead of you when you are job hunting!! All you have to worry about is doing a good job each day before you leave. You don't have to worry about what happens after you leave and who will do what until someone new arrives.

Deep breaths will help and getting the right mind set. You'll get there. Believe in yourself. Be Jennifer. Don't be someone else.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jennifer,

That is one large egg!! That would feed a city if scrambled!! Hope the week at work ended better now that B lady is gone. I'm sure that would have been hard on the head to do, but you have the smarts to do that with tact. Nice to know the other employees feel better now too. I'm sure it's not easy to fill your own job, but also must seem sort of strange to do that as well. Hopefully the headhunter will through for you with something.

Lori B.