No April Fool's jokes here today. And I didn't pull any at work though I did get blamed for one.
Just back from the dentist. She asked me to come back after my last appointment for a quick check and follow up. She wasn't happy with the work and wanted to make sure everything was ok. An hour later my mouth is frozen again and I need to wait another hour before I can have a glass of wine. She fixed what we both thought was going to be a problem...yeah, but it wasn't the evening I had in mind.
In fact, my whole day wasn't what I had in mind. Not that I really know how it would feel, but I feel like a child who's parents are going through a divorce and fighting all the time. The tension at work is high. At a weekly meeting this afternoon the yelling reached an all time high. Tempers run high in our office. It is a bit of us against them mentality between our Northern and Southern offices. I understand that for some people change is a very scary thing. If you are on the end of change and have no control over it and don't know what direction it is going in it could be very scary.
What happened today was just a show of forced control. It is almost a new topic each week that starts the yelling, this week it was over one of my projects. I have mixed feelings over it. I didn't want to present the topic today. By the time they got to my agenda item the fighting and tension was already very evident and I was hoping to be post-poned until next week. No such luck. So I read out my information and asked people to comply. I would much prefer to have emailed it to everyone and then discuss, but that didn't happen. So the tension and yelling carried into my topic. I understand that being asked to stop or change might seem a bit much, is a legal obligation that we need to follow. (Max. hours of work in a 7 day period). LEGAL obligation folks. We are breaking the law if we continue with our current trend. It was difficult.
I'm ok. My feelings were not hurt. I understand that the frustration was there before I talked, but still. Come on people. Act like adults. Own up to your behaviours and just for once say...yes, we will do it.
I left work feeling a bit over-whelmed and very tired. It wasn't the whole group yelling what I was most upset about was my boss. He seems to have a short fuse. He's passionate about what we are doing and the changes he wants to make. I truly think he wants what is best for the organization and if you hear him talk you are swept along with the process and want to be involved. But passion and anger are like genius and insane. Often confused. Yes, his behaviour is not appropriate and yes, as HR I will need to chat with him about that tomorrow, it just sucks. You think that your boss should know better than you. This is one of those the Easter bunny is really mom and dad kind of moments.
There was a message on my phone when I got home. My boss. He called long before I left the office. He apologized. I think he called everyone to do it. I'm glad. But we are still having a chat tomorrow at the office and he knows it.
It is just over 300 steps from the grocery store to my door. There is something very rewarding about walking home with my groceries. I can't put my finger on what it is, but I smiled the whole way home.
My trip up North has been post-poned--AGAIN. I'm still ok with the delay. More time to prepare, but it does push back a few other things I need to do. I will need to change my follow up appointment with the dr now which is the only part that sucks. Other than that I am happy with the delay.
Happy Thursday everyone.
Wow is all I can say. To make a presentation and have people yelling and arguing is beyond what I think I could handle without crying
For you to be able to say you didn't take it personally is such a lesson for all of us because you are correct - the emotion was there before your presentation hit the table and you were just a victim of the emotions that were already running high.
I don't envy you nor your boss who is trying to bring staff along with change. If you can sit down and have a frank discussion with your boss about their behaviour - more power to you.
To end the day up at the dentist chair would be "the icing on the cake". Today can't be worse so you can take that attitude with you to work today. Good luck with the "frank discussion" and I hope you have a much better day.
Hey Jennifer,
I'm wowed as well. I don't think I have the backbone for that type of atmosphere at all. I wouldn't last long in a workplace with that much anger and attitude. You are one of a kind to be able to handle it as work and not take it personally. With the weekend coming, you might want to purchase a very large goblet for you glass of wine to unwind and relax!
On a different note altogether, I saw your sister on Compass last night, you ladies talk alike and when I realized it was your sis, I could see you in her! (Compass had a blurb on how credit/debit cards companies will likely increase the costs to retailers.)
Take care and I hope your chat with the boss goes well. No doubt you will be looking forward to getting to Cambridge Bay - away from the office!
Lori B.
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