Monday, April 27, 2009
I was up at the crack of dawn on Saturday and headed South to Calgary. The open road is great, but the road between Calgary and Edmonton is rather dull. Straight road thru prairie and not much to see. I made great time and after a quick stop at the mall to purchase some new frivolous make up and body wash I headed to the restaurant. As I mentioned the other day I was meeting up with three habitat friends from India. We had a great lunch and I tried to get them interested in coming up North with me to build. I think I convinced them but money and time will tell. One of the first comments made was how neat it is to see everyone in their 'regular lives'. Unlike the time we spent in India dressed in work clothes and dirt yesterday morning we were shiny clean and dressed in our 'normal' wardrobes.
After lunch I hit the road for Banff. I arrived and played tourist. It was fun. I even went to the tourist bureau. I made a few purchases for me...tea, a new necklace and some fudge. I checked into my hotel room and then headed downtown on the eco-bus to meet up with a friend. We hit this fantastic Japanese restaurant. They have an all-you-can-eat sushi event. And wow...definitely worth the $. I ate and ate and ate. Mmmm. I love sushi. And that reminds me that I haven't bought any here in Edmonton in months and should get back into the habit. After supper we hit one of the local pubs and after two drinks she took me back to my hotel. I was soooo tired. It wasn't late but I was ready to fall asleep at the table. It's too bad cause the conversation was good and so were the drinks. Ah well.
Sunday am I headed to the hot springs park site. I paid $3.90 for a really terrible self guided tour of a cave and an outside hot spring. I don't recommend so I won't bother telling you more. Then I went to a local favourite for brunch and then hit the road. I decided that while it was going to be longer it would be more relaxing to drive to Lake Louise and then over to Red Deer before heading North. It made for a LONG day but a good one. I was totally relaxed when I walked in the door last night and felt as though I had been away for a week rather than really just 2. The drive was nice, I saw a lot of deer and even tried to take photos of them. (Pictures to follow tomorrow or later in the week) There was lots of snow and even some hail. At times the snow and clouds covered everything and I could barely see what was ahead of me. Lake Louise was nice and while I had been before and knew what it looked like it was still a new experience.
As I was wandering around a couple of sites I offered to take pics of two couples. They were doing the single shots of each other in front of said tourist attraction and I volunteered my services. Both times (and these were 3 hours apart) the couple said yes and how happy they were that someone with a real camera was going to do it. They figured that the pics would turn out better. I laughed and said that just cause you have the equipment doesn't mean you know how to use it.
Today I cleaned, did laundry and hung out at home. One more day would be great but I guess I will need to wait until Saturday. Lots to do at work this week.
Did I mention that I will be hiring 230 people between now and June 15th? Umm, yeah--I am crazy.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Welcome back to another edition of Iqaluk in Calgary...coming to you from my couch in Edmonton.
I had my follow up Dr appointment on Tuesday and have been thinking about it ever since. The good news is that I have a shiny new cervix. The area they cut off has healed beautifully and I am now able to exercise again and do heavy lifting...which is a shame cause frankly that means the deep cleaning my apartment needs is going to happen. Sigh. I was very happy actually to hear bike is in desperate need of use. The other news is that the bad cells may have spread upwards. The specialist will do more testing in September. Likely I will need another procedure in the fall.
I walked out of the office feeling a bit numb. I drove back to the office on auto pilot and it wasn't until I was driving home that I realized I had forgotten to eat lunch that day. The news could be worse, so much worse and I am grateful for the results I got, but it wasn't what I expected to hear. I figured it would be the results are back we got it all and other than your 6 month follow ups we won't see you again. So it took a few days to absorb.
And now I am ok with it. I know what to expect in September so that is a HUGE help. It makes it easier to just push it aside and not dwell on it. As the summer comes and then starts to close I am sure I will once again start to worry...lead up to the appointment, but for now...onwards.
I have been waiting to find out when I need to fly up North. It is soon, but no one has pin pointed a date. A bit frustrating. Today I finally said ENGOUGH and booked myself off on Monday. Yeah. Then I got on Facebook and sent a message to some friends from India who are having brunch on Saturday in Calgary and told them that they should get a table for 4. I hope they are as excited as I am. Then after work today I got on line and booked a 4 star hotel in Banff for Saturday night thru one of those discount pick your price online sites. I got a great deal. A treat for me. I haven't done much for fun lately so this will be great. I'm having supper with a friend who works there Saturday night. Sunday morning will be spent wandering around town and buying some tea. Then back to Calgary for a late lunch/early supper with another friend (who I haven't made contact with yet) and then back to Edmonton Sunday night. Monday I can sleep in, relax, do laundry and get my house in order. Phew, I'm tired already.
Should be a nice weekend treat for me.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
With the delay in Yellowknife we had some time to I made S try on my parka...just in case. Now she looks like a Northern girl.
The view in Kugluktuk. It was more than a bit windy, overcast and dismal.
Flying into Kugluktuk for the second day.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
So.....Monday left Edmonton and arrived in Yellowknife with no issues. They were having a bit of weather in YK but we got in with no problems and waited for our flight to Cambridge Bay. There were 7 of us traveling together and I had warned most of them about flying with me ahead of time but they got on the plane with me anyway.
Our flight took off late, but we were happy to be in the air and hopeful for a smooth trip. The plane stopped in Kugluktuk we got out to stretch and wait for the 2pm weather report so the pilots could determine if they were going to be able to land in Cam Bay. We weren't. Back onto the plane and back to Yellowknife. Sigh.
I was actually happy in one sense as I had hoped to catch up with a friend--and I did. But since this meeting is/was critical getting in was very important. In true Northern style we all checked in at the hotel and headed for the bar! One drink later I had to go to an impromptu meeting downtown. The meeting went until after 8pm and I was tired and a bit cranky by the time we got back to the hotel for supper with the rest of the group (who got to stay back at the bar and drink). I did get to see my friend over breakfast the next morning and then showed a co-worker a tiny bit of YK. It was her first trip North.
Day Two. Left Yellowknife and arrived safe and sound in Cam Bay that evening. We again checked in and the bunk house for supper then off to a couple hours of meetings followed by a bottle of wine and late night conversation. We are staying in this 'house'. It is a hotel house. There are five individual bedrooms and a shared kitchen/living room. It is really nice and we all have tv's in our rooms and free wireless internet.
The funny thing was that yes, I did jinx our arrival the first day and interestingly enough the same two people I came North with in November were on this trip and they once again did not get their luggage. It's funny and it isn't.
I actually don't think the delay on Monday is my fault. I had an email that afternoon from my friend in YK saying she hoped that my next trip to Cam Bay that I got Weathered out and got to her email is the reason for the delay.
The meetings are going fairly well, but I was very sore today. I haven't been sore from my procedure for a while now, but I think that sitting in a confined space on a plane for two days combined with a lot of HEAVY luggage lifting did me in. A lot of Advil later I'm feeling better.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Overall a pleasant Sunday...or as good as it could get under the circumstances. I hole punched a ton of paper while watching Coronation Street, managed to get two loads of laundry done and spent an hour at the office. This evening I put all the hole punched paper into binders and then into my suitcase. It may be well over the limit for weight.
I am planning on packing my clothes sometime soon, but am of course in no rush.
It was a beautiful warm spring day. It was hard to enjoy knowing that Cambridge Bay is under a blizzard warning. I NEED to make it in tomorrow. We have so much riding on this meeting and can't afford to delay any longer. Even a one day delay in arriving could ruin the schedule. Ah well.
Guess I better get in gear. I want to try and sew the fur back on the hood of my blue coat for this week.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Working most of Saturday as well...and hopefully NOT Sunday. Fingers crossed.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
I worked late and decided to pick up a frozen pizza on the way home. No problem. At home I turned on the oven, set the timer and waited. The timer went off I opened the door and saw a bit of smoke. I quickly shut the door turned on the fan and opened the window wide open. The smoke detector didn't go off so I decided to chance opening the door again.
This time somehow as I pulled the pizza out of the oven it slipped off the pan and into the oven. Partially on the element, some on the door and the rest in the oven. I slammed the door closed...I didn't want to tempt fate and have the fire alarm go off.
Pan still in hand I then reopened the door and tried to slip the pan under the pizza and maneuver the whole thing with a spatula. All that happened was the I pushed the pizza further onto the element. Slammed the door again and put the pan on the stove. Then I picked the pan up without the over mitt....OUCH burning hot. I let go, the pan crashed to the floor and I again picked it up with my fingers! I am SOOO stupid. I threw it onto the cupboard and wrapped my hand in a wet towel.
I finally managed to haul the pizza out of the oven and then upon closer inspection realized it wasn't cooked yet. I didn't chance the oven again. I put it in the toaster over slice by slice.
At one point when I grabbed towel off the counter it was under a grocery bag...that contain a 1/2 dozen eggs. It landed with a resounding WHACK. So yeah, and I managed to break two eggs.
Naturally the burned fingers are on my left hand. After taking the towel off I put a ton of ointment on it. No major damage done. I just have a couple spots on two fingers and the only time I feel it is when I type. I'll put some ointment on again tonight and don't expect any lasting issues.
I should have just bought the pizza at a proper pizza restaurant....wouldn't have had the issues. Ah well. No one died in the making of the it's all good.
It's Thursday night and I expect to spend a large portion of my weekend at work. Lots to do before heading North. I want the best product I can get. I don't mind putting in the hours so long as I get to enjoy some of the sunshine that we are expecting.
And think of all the awesome pics I'll have next weekend!
Monday, April 6, 2009
I had an ever so minor procedure done today. My dad will be thrilled. I had to have the two piercings on my chest removed. They were located right where my neck is attached to my body. I liked them. They were part of me...and now they are no more. They started to be rejected...and the rejection started a few days after my LEEP. I think it is connected. I think my body said..we have too much going on and can only look after so many things at a choose my cervix. Good choice. When a piercing is rejected or migrates it moves from where it was originally placed. Imagine having your ear lobe pierced (as many of you do) and you wake up one morning to find your earring has moved towards the outer edge of your ear lobe and then a few more days pass and now the hole has moved so far that it has popped out of your ear. Hmmm, hard to describe that properly.
Anyway, my dr removed them today. I could have let nature continue on its own path, but figured this was the best (read safest) way to do it. He had never seen them before and had a few issues but finally managed to pop them out. He put some freezing in and dug around with a needle. Not really what I was looking for but it did the job. The scarring should be minimal--maybe just two tiny dots. He gave me some penicillin but they aren't infected.
The weather today was amazing. I didn't want to go back to work after my was 11 degrees (high was 14). Spring!! The snow is going, going, almost gone and I saw one of those trucks that sweeps up the dirt on the roads today. Hurray! I took a 5 minute break in the afternoon and sat outside to enjoy the weather. Tomorrow if it is nice we have talked about going for a short walk at lunch time.
How's that for a Monday?
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Dreamed a dream by the old canal
I Kissed my girl by the factory wall
Dirty old town
Dirty old town
The words dirty old town popped into my head this morning while walking back from the store. It is the time of year when the pavement is dirty, the grass is dirty, all the cars and trucks have a layer of dust over them and everyone is waiting for a really good rain to pound off the layers of grime that accumulated over the winter. It's a dirty dull time of year.
It is Spring, but it isn't Spring. Spring is all colour and freshness. The world I see in front of me is dull and lifeless...and soon to change.
My mood is fine. I'm just describing the physical surroundings in which I find myself.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Just back from the dentist. She asked me to come back after my last appointment for a quick check and follow up. She wasn't happy with the work and wanted to make sure everything was ok. An hour later my mouth is frozen again and I need to wait another hour before I can have a glass of wine. She fixed what we both thought was going to be a problem...yeah, but it wasn't the evening I had in mind.
In fact, my whole day wasn't what I had in mind. Not that I really know how it would feel, but I feel like a child who's parents are going through a divorce and fighting all the time. The tension at work is high. At a weekly meeting this afternoon the yelling reached an all time high. Tempers run high in our office. It is a bit of us against them mentality between our Northern and Southern offices. I understand that for some people change is a very scary thing. If you are on the end of change and have no control over it and don't know what direction it is going in it could be very scary.
What happened today was just a show of forced control. It is almost a new topic each week that starts the yelling, this week it was over one of my projects. I have mixed feelings over it. I didn't want to present the topic today. By the time they got to my agenda item the fighting and tension was already very evident and I was hoping to be post-poned until next week. No such luck. So I read out my information and asked people to comply. I would much prefer to have emailed it to everyone and then discuss, but that didn't happen. So the tension and yelling carried into my topic. I understand that being asked to stop or change might seem a bit much, is a legal obligation that we need to follow. (Max. hours of work in a 7 day period). LEGAL obligation folks. We are breaking the law if we continue with our current trend. It was difficult.
I'm ok. My feelings were not hurt. I understand that the frustration was there before I talked, but still. Come on people. Act like adults. Own up to your behaviours and just for once say...yes, we will do it.
I left work feeling a bit over-whelmed and very tired. It wasn't the whole group yelling what I was most upset about was my boss. He seems to have a short fuse. He's passionate about what we are doing and the changes he wants to make. I truly think he wants what is best for the organization and if you hear him talk you are swept along with the process and want to be involved. But passion and anger are like genius and insane. Often confused. Yes, his behaviour is not appropriate and yes, as HR I will need to chat with him about that tomorrow, it just sucks. You think that your boss should know better than you. This is one of those the Easter bunny is really mom and dad kind of moments.
There was a message on my phone when I got home. My boss. He called long before I left the office. He apologized. I think he called everyone to do it. I'm glad. But we are still having a chat tomorrow at the office and he knows it.
It is just over 300 steps from the grocery store to my door. There is something very rewarding about walking home with my groceries. I can't put my finger on what it is, but I smiled the whole way home.
My trip up North has been post-poned--AGAIN. I'm still ok with the delay. More time to prepare, but it does push back a few other things I need to do. I will need to change my follow up appointment with the dr now which is the only part that sucks. Other than that I am happy with the delay.
Happy Thursday everyone.