Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's 8:05pm. I'm sitting on the couch digesting the supper I inhaled. I left the office just after 6:30pm and ran a couple of errands. Phew. Since tomorrow is my last day at work for 10 whole days!!! I knew I needed to get my act in gear and finally get a b'day gift ready to go. My wonderfully, amazing niece and nephew celebrated their birthdays last week. They were born on March 5. No they aren't twins. Same day. Three years apart. I don't think my sister knows yet how she managed it.

Auntie J has had a gift idea in mind since before Christmas but was having some technical difficulties in getting it done. Last week I found the answer to my problem and today finally purchased the necessary supplies. Tomorrow I will create part of the gift at work and then finish it when I'm off. It's a bit of a secret, but once it has been delivered I'll fill you in. I think it is a bit of a fun idea my sister may not. Oh well...Auntie J perogative.

I also picked up flowers for me. Many of you know of my passion for fresh flowers, when and if at all possible I like to have fresh flowers in the house. I may have gone a bit overboard, but that's ok...I like 'em all and will appreciate having them spread around the room in the coming days.

Then I stopped and got myself Taco Bell. It is a questionable choice when it comes to food, but I was there, it was handy and at 7:40pm it doesn't matter where the food is from just as long as I have some. I inhaled it and am now hoping it was a good choice. So far so good.

Tomorrow after work I plan to pick up some real take out food. I was going to go Indian but on second thought am thinking the thai place across the street might be a better choice. Not better, just different. It's been a while since I've graced the thai restaurant with my presence. I want supper for tomorrow night (with some wine) and then leftovers for Friday night so I have one evening where I don't need to actually cook anything.

I really am hoping for the best. The best being that when I wake up on Saturday I have no pain, the sun is shining and I decide to go for a cruise around town. Or at least by Monday I'm in that mood. But I am planning for the worst. Pain for a number of days and me not feeling like getting out of the house for the entire week. Either way I am prepared and have a plan. Just the idea of not going to the office for a week makes me feel good. With the exception of the two days I was home sick with a fever I haven't had a long weekend or time off since Christmas. I missed having Family Day in February cause I was in Nunavut and they don't partake I will be in Alberta for Nunavut Day and won't get that off either. LOL. I need to do work work. I have a new program at work and want to see if I can figure it out tonight and post a new job ad before I am off. Then I can go to bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I'm going to assume that eating Thai food is going to, in some way, upset your body's functions. So all I can say is you must really like it to risk feeling miserable for 2 days afterwards!

But I do wish you a glorious, relaxing weekend!

I'm sure whatever you get your niece and nephew for their birthdays they will be thrilled with.
