There are a couple of days missing from the Paris portion of the trip that I forgot to mention before. Thinking ahead, I bought an adapter before leaving Ch'town so I could recharge the batteries in my camera. Unfortunately the girl selling it to me didn't know any more about them than I did and I didn't have the right adapter once I got overseas. This became a problem when the battery died the morning I was to go on a tour of a few French castles. Fantastic sights. I bought a disposable camera, but have no idea where the pictures went. Back at the hotel they finally tracked an adapter down for me and I was able to re-charge the batteries in the camera...but not before I missed out on some amazing sights. Oh well.
So, part 2. Amsterdam. I didn't take part in any of the activities that are legal in Amsterdam but illegal in most other places. Just because I am on vacation doesn't mean I leave my morals or train of thought at home. Why did I put Amsterdam on the list of places to visit then? My main reason was to see Anne Frank's home during the war and to see some tulips.
Herring anyone? Me neither. I didn't partake in the herring. I'm not a big fan.
Tulips. Now that is something I can get into. They were everywhere even though they weren't in season. I LOVE tulips. Definitely my favourite flower. I would like to go back and visit when the are in bloom. I went to the tulip museum and learned all kinds of interesting facts about tulips including how to bring them back to Canada. They need to be certified or else they won't allow them into the country. I picked up some name Gabrielle in honor of my nephew (Gabe). I did get stopped by customs on the way back. I guess a whirlwind tour of Europe with a stop in Amsterdam could make the authorities wonder what you are bringing back into the country. I think he was a bit disappointed to find out that is was only properly documented and certified tulip bulbs.
Think tacky gift shop. They sell all kinds of souvenirs here, litle 'Dutchmen', wooden shoes, and tulip bulbs...but they aren't all certified so it really is a matter of buyer beware. I would have brought back a pair of wooden shoes, but I was traveling with a backpack and small carry on suitcase and the rather large wooden shoes would have taken up too much room.
Wonderful painting on the side of one of the many gift shops around the city.
I think this says it all. Truth in advertising.
The house where Anne Frank and her family hid during the war. Now it is a museum. Very moving. Definitely worth the visit.

Family bicycle. Ignore the garbage bags. Seat up front for toddler then the family and finally a wagon on the back.
Amazing homes. Amazing architecture. It was damp and a bit chilly and the sky was grey the whole time I was in town, but it was a wonderful city and I wish I had a few more days to wander around and just 'look'. Maybe next time.
Cheese anyone? Take your bike in and come out with a cheese wheel. Maybe not. The smell of cheese was a bit overwhelming inside the store, and I like strong cheese.
House boats along all the canels. (?sp)
The train that would take me from Amsterdam to London...via the CHUNNEL.

My trip to Amsterdam was three days in total. I wandered around for the most part, having no real agenda for this leg of the trip. The museums I visited took up a large part of my time. The one I don't have pics from is the Van Gogh Museum. Well worth the trip on a bus that I wasn't too sure about but got me where I needed to go...and back. The great thing about Europe though is that most people speak English so I was able to ask directions and get around easily.
I do remember thinking how civilized the whole place was. Even with prostitution and drugs easily available...literally on the street corner I never saw any signs of violence or crime and recall only seeing 2 police officers. I stayed at a Best Western...I did want to ensure I wasn't checking into a hotel that charged by the hour...and enjoyed sitting in their lobby drinking an alcohol cooler that I purchased out of the vending machine and then surfing the internet in the lobby while I drank it. A great time was had by all...and then onto London. Next weekend. Christmas in London and the Coronation Street Christmas special.
Thanks for the tour of Amsterdam. It sounded very interesting and it appears that you enjoyed your stay. I can't imagine how beautiful it would be with all the tulips in bloom.
I look forward to London to see if you saw any of the places I saw in 1978.
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