Yesterday was my lunch date with the Flames. There were about 20ish tables of 8. 6 staff and 2 Flames players or coaches or owners. I sat with Eric Nystrom #23. He was really nice. We chatted about travel, food during travels and then one of the guys at the table took over the conversation and the rest of the meal was hockey chat. At one point though I think he could tell that most of the table was not interested in the conversation and he sort of apologized for all the hockey talk. Yes, it was a Flames player and of course hockey would be the main topic of conversation, but this was a stat talk from like 15 years ago.
Some people brought BAGS of stuff to be signed. I brought a work shirt for signing. And I only got Eric to sign it. I felt weird going up to players I didn't or out of uniform and ask for an autograph. And I was a bit afraid I'd ask a non-player as well. LOL. Wouldn't that have been funny? Getting one of the guys who works in the beer tent to sign it would be a riot. And I'd likely be fired. LOL. Here's a pic of Eric. I didn't take this's his official pic.

My new laptop arrived today...I have named it Daisy. It has a bright yellow cover. I thought that maybe since I had named the last one Mike...that could be why it kept overheating...cause of the boy/girl thing you know. No wonder it kept overheating...sitting on my lap all the time.
The job hunt is still on...well, you know how it is. At least now I have a computer that doesn't over heat after 7 minutes of use and I can surf the internet and apply for jobs from the comfort of my couch.
The weather is still holding. The skies are blue most of the time and the temp is generally always over zero. There were a few days when it was just under zero, but it didn't seem to bother me much. Guess I am still climatized to the North!
Not much else new and exciting going on here. Calgary continues to be full of cowboys and cows. Next week I am headed to the Calgary tower for some pictures for you.
You don't know how "blog dependent" we have become. For a week now we have been waiting for the next entry - wondering what is wrong when there was none. Personally, I thought "Mike" quit for good and you had no computer access.
Daisy sounds like a nice name for the new laptop. I hope it works really well for you.
The Flames dinner was quite an experience I'm sure. The "hockey talk" might have been because he was also nervous and didn't know what else to talk about other than his own comfort zone.
Getting an autograph of the beer concession guy would have made him feel pretty important. He might have thought you were a regular customer or something or else it may have been a great intro for a first date!! You have to be ready at all times for such a situation.
I look forward to the pics from the Calgary Tower and any other picture topic you choose.
Have a great weekend!
Edith Luckily we have not hit that yet. I think one night it went down to 3 or 4 though.
Hmmm, Eric is a cutey!
So, I was noticing that you name why is that? I think I will start naming things too.
Jan from the Island
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