People keep asking me how I am adapting to life in the city. Frankly I'm not sure. I usually say fine. What is there to adjust too? I have been to a big city before...Boston, New York, Paris, Delhi, etc so I think that the move from 'country' to city isn't as big as one might imagine. But...some days I just don't enjoy it. And not it in general...just simple things.
Today I finally made it to the Dr's office. I checked the list of Dr's accepting patients and found one about 8 blocks from my apartment. I walked down in the am and was told indeed the Dr is accepting new patients and in fact they have had a cancellation and could take me at 4pm. YEAH!!! So I spent the next 6 hours downtown hanging at the library (working on my resume and applying for jobs) and having many drinks at cafes while putting in the time. Yes, I could have gone home..not the point of the story. So I show up at the appointed time and am finally taken to a room and left to read the info for new patients.
Apparently I am going to be asked questions about my medical history...not surprising, I am in a doctors office after all. What did surprise me was that I can only have one ailment per visit. The nurse was very specific about this point. She said that if I had a sore throat and a wart on my foot I needed to decide which reason I was there and to make an appointment for the other. I showed her my list of ailments. We picked one and she made me an appointment for another and told me to make the others out at the desk. Fine.
Dr comes in. We make 30 seconds of small chat and he starts asking for my medical history. We don't finish it. He must think we are done and he gets up says it was nice to meet me and starts to leave. "Wait! What about my eye?" "Only one issue per appointment. Today it was history taking." But...my eye. And he is gone.
I sulk out to the front desk and tell the lady I need to make an appointment cause I didn't get to see him about anything. "Standard procedure." And she finally makes me an appointment for Friday. Let me tell you that I am not a healthy looking person as I stand in front of her. My eye is acting up. It is red. Puffy and the little inner corner is about 5X the normal size. And yet...they couldn't help me today and she did not want to book an appointment for me...cause I already had another one booked. The nurse booked it after our chat. The receptionist wanted to know what it was for. I said (in a very loud voice) that I was not willing to tell HER what my issue was in front of a room full of strangers! Jeez.
So I left. My doctor spent maybe 3 minutes with me and that was it. I now need to go back to have my eye looked at. I need to go back and pay $120 to have a medical so I can get my drivers license changed over to Alberta. And then I have another appointment for reasons I will not divulge to the receptionist. AUGH.
Maybe that doesn't seem big city issue to you...but it is for me. While I haven't had a family Dr since oh, 1991 when I graduated from HS. I have been lucky the past few years to have had some wonderful nurses to look after me...and they accept more than one ailment at a time.
As I was walking back to my apartment this afternoon I was wishing I was back up North. Maybe I am not cut out for city life. Maybe I need/want the simplier way things were. Maybe I am having a bad week and just need some cheering up. Maybe.
It is hard to stay 100% positive this week. I have been sending out resumes for a couple of weeks and haven't had any calls/emails yet. I know it has only been a couple of weeks but still...I have my moments of worry. The last time I was out of work and looking for work it took four months to find something. The job I finally landed had a closing date of February 14 and I started work in mid-April. I know gov't tends to move slower than a lot of private companies, so hopefully it won't be that long a lag this time.
Please, no pep talks on how great a person I am and how wonderful my resume looks. I know I'm awesome. I know my resume looks great. I just need to wallow for a bit. Everyone should be allowed to wallow now and then...right?
It is just going to take a lot to convince the city mice that this country mouse is ready, willing and able.
I have heard about doctors only discussing one or maybe two ailments per visit here on PEI. It was actually a friend of mine who told me about it as that was how she had been dealt with. I guess I have never had a personal experience myself. But for this doctor to not even address the eye issue when it appears you and the nurse had agreed that would be your reason for seeing the doctor seems crazy. The nurse already had the medical history so the doctor shouldn't have needed it again.
There is something to be said for nurse practioniers - I've heard they are more thorough than doctors and very knowledgeable. That would have been your experience up North.
And you know, we all have blah days. You are entitled to them too. But just follow the philosophy of "one day at a time".
Hi Jennifer:
My doctor used to have a nurse that made it impossible to get in to see him. Thankfully she is not there anymore! I can relate to the one issue at a time, a lot of doctors here do that now too; however, I do feel lucky that when I get in I end up discussing more than one issue when I feel it's necessary.
Down days are OK - believe it or not, I wish I had the time to have them once in a while.
Love the little kittie picture, cute as a button - he'd enjoy meeting Cal and Gary !!
oops ... forgot my name .. Lori B.
I know you do not want a 'pep talk', but come on..you knew what life in a 'big city' was and is. Don't get so discouraged, you will find a job that fits you, it just takes time. Give yourself a pat on the back, and a break! (think..new computer on the way :) )
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