It would appear that the company I wanted isn't able to make it...but we will try for a long weekend soon instead. The company I'm not keen on is still scheduled to arrive. Oh well.
Here's a few pics from my holidays. They were as you know, pretty quiet. I realized yesterday that aside from a couple of quick trips to the garbage outside I hadn't left the house from the 24th - 29th.
Here's a pic of my kitchen as I prepare the feast! Art work supplied by my niece and nephew.
Crocuses that I am hoping will bloom before I head up North. Not sure when I am heading up...but it would be my luck they would bloom during my absence.
Jewelry that I made. Dollarama designs!
I've been working from home this week. It has been great. I got a ton done the past couple of days and hope to get another major chunk done before the weekend arrives. It has been great. Wearing my pj's, watching tv and not worrying about the phone ringing or interrupting my train of thought. My policy manual grew by about 16 pages in one day. Which I was very happy about. At the moment it is sitting at just under 60 pages. With formatting and editing I suspect it will come in around 100 pages. Ugh. It's been a long battle that isn't close to being finished yet. I will pass it in this coming week for vetting. At that point it will gain and lose sections and be edited by my colleagues. Then it will need to be formatted, given final approval and then I will create an employee manual based on it. So, by the end of February it might be done.
It is a small small...too small. So I joined a popular online dating site. It sent me a match. A couple of weeks later he contacted me. We had a few back and forth question sessions and then were allowed to send/receive our own messages and not just answer the predetermined questions of the program. We start to chat. I tell him how impressed I am that he has been to all provinces/territories and ask him where in Nunavut he has been. He writes back that actually NU is the only one he hasn't been to and maybe he should revise. We discuss NU. He says he applied for a job with the government in NU and did I ever work for them. It turns out he applied for a job....and I was the one that turned down his resume. How's that for a small world. I wrote back this morning and told him that it was me...and oddly enough (NOT) I haven't heard back from him. I suspect that even the friendship that we had proposed is now out of the question. Ah well.